Family & Community Engagement Plan
Talbott Elementary School 2024-2025
Talbott Elementary will use the following means to provide timely and effective communication with parents and families:
· The Blackboard Connect mass communication system is utilized to send a voice recording, email, or text to parent or guardians as well as to TES social media sites and JCS app.
· We utilize our updated website found at This site contains all faculty email addresses for easy access. It also contains articles highlighting school activities and student work.
· Administration sends home a monthly school calendar and weekly informative flyer through “Wildcat Chat.”
· Teachers send home classroom newsletters.
· Teachers will utilize apps to generate group texts.
· Parent/School/Student Compacts are utilized at Talbott Elementary to outline responsibilities for each party in the process of achieving student success.
· Parent Open House is held during one night at the beginning of the school year.
· Parent-Teacher Conferences are held in the fall and spring semesters.
· Parents are encouraged to send a note, email, call, or drop by the school when a concern arises.
· A marquee in the front of the school is used to remind families of important upcoming events.
· Home visits are conducted through collaboration with our Family Resource Center. Our pre-k teachers conduct two home visits a year per student as a pre-k initiative.
· The Talbott School maintains a Facebook page as another outlet for information.
· School counselor provides a referral form for parents to refer their children when needs arise.
· School counselor provides a list of community resources to families.
· Families are given timely reports on progress with report cards every 9 weeks and mid-terms between each 9 week reporting period.
· Talbott Elementary will use the following means as way to involve parents and families in the activities of the school as well as in the learning process of their child:
· Talbott Elementary will train volunteers on appropriate discipline and FERPA along with health and safety measures.
· Volunteers are used in a variety of ways such as, but not limited to: preparation and planning for instruction
· Talbott Elementary hosts family literacy/STREAM events in the fall and spring to encourage students and families to embrace reading and learning outside the classroom.
· Parent volunteers and Talbott staff collaboratively run a fall festival during which time students and families have refreshments, play games, and win prizes.
· Veteran’s Families of students and community members are recognized on Veteran’s Day.
· Talbott Elementary will establish a parent as a member of the school leadership team.
· Surveys are sent through the mass communication system for parent input and feedback for various school functions such as fundraisers, school events, and title I spending.